The problem of counterfeit semiconductors extends far beyond the borders of the United States. In fact this is one of the topmost concerns for buyers globally in this Industry, The issue of counterfei [...]
The problem of counterfeit semiconductors extends far beyond the borders of the United States. In fact this is one of the topmost concerns for buyers globally in this Industry, The issue of counterfei [...]
Worldwide sales of semiconductors reached US$98.2 billion during the second quarter of 2019, a small increase of 0.3% over the previous quarter, but 16.8% less than the second quarter of last year, ac [...]
Global semiconductor sales declined on an annual basis for the fifth straight month in May but increased modestly on a sequential basis as the chip industry downturn continued amid an ongoing trade wa [...]
America’s competitive edge is at risk, as China and other competing countries take bold steps aimed at surpassing the U.S. as the global technology leader, according to a report released today by the [...]
Semiconductors enable a wide variety of products, from smartphones and computers to cars and industrial equipment. Newly released data on 2018 semiconductor sales by broad product category, known as “ [...]
While much attention was paid last week to SIA’s release of final semiconductor sales in 2018 ($468.8 billion) and the percent growth over the previous year (13.7 percent), there was one equally impre [...]
SAN FRANCISCO — South Korea's Samsung Electronics warned of weak semiconductor demand as it cut its fourth quarter profit outlook significantly. Samsung said in a statement that the company expects ea [...]